What are Layettes?
A layette is a gift of baby items for mothers in third world countries. These layettes include diapers, blankets, washcloths, clothing and other items. Once assembled, the layettes are shipped to many countries around the world, including Haiti, Nigeria, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Ukraine and Nicaragua.
Westover Layettes was started in 2008, and since then has produced roughly 36,000 layettes. The layettes are assembled quarterly throughout the year. Volunteers gather in smaller groups, in the time between the quarterly assemblies, to cut and sew items. |
How is Bethel involved in this ministry?
A group of volunteers from Bethel helps assemble the layettes once per quarter in Flamborough. Between these assembly meetings volunteers gather monthly to cut and sew a lot of the diapers that go into these layettes. Some members also knit teddies.
how can i get connected?
If you would like to join us in cutting and sewing diapers, knitting teddies, or assembling quarterly layettes, please fill out the form below.